
Electrical installation condition reports (EICR) or Portable appliance testing (PAT)
We are able to carry out EICR’s on domestic properties along with fault finding and PAT testing 

Fault Finding 

If you have an electrical fault that is causing your fuse to blow or an MCB/RCD to keep tripping we are able to help.
We can identify the issue causing the tripping and we can restore power on lost circuits by removing the issue. Once identified we are able to give you an estimate for any repair work that may be needed.

PAT Testing

What is PAT Testing?

Portable Appliance Testing or PAT Testing is the process of checking electrical appliances for safety through a series of visual inspections and electronic tests.

Why do I need to have my appliances tested?

The best way of ensuring that your appliances are safe is to have a PAT test carried out on them. This is a good way for landlords to ensure that they are meeting their legal obligations to maintain high standards of electrical safety in their rented property.